
Pest control

Our Pest Control service proposal consists mainly of having urban pests controlled through standardized control systems. We have a Sanitary Resolution to perform the service, complying with current legislation in force, both in terms of environmental sanitation and protection of people.


COVID-19 Sanitation

It can be done in bathrooms, urinals, showers, sinks and dishwashers, food contact surfaces, countertops, utensils, controlling and eliminating all kinds of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses existing in places, generating a safe hygiene of the premises.
The SANITIZATION service on the recommendation of the Ministry and Labor Directorate and to comply with its opinion No. 1116, Of. 004, on Health and Safety at Work by Covid-19, among others, points out; that the company will be obliged to maintain the workplaces in the sanitary and environmental conditions necessary to protect the life and health of the workers who work there, whether they are its direct dependents, or third-party contractors who carry out activities for it. For our part, Bursan Empresas will collaborate in the Preventive Sanitation against Coronavirus (Covid-19)
DETAIL OF THE SANITIZATION SERVICE AGAINST COVID-19 1.Sanitation will be carried out with a chemical product based on quaternary ammoniums, which have an ISP registration (Public Health Institute). 2. It will be carried out with an electrical or mechanical machine specially designed for applications of products for sanitation. 3. Sprinkling will be carried out on the surfaces indicated below: 1. Door handles, lockers, stair handrails 2. All hygienic services (bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms) 3. Dining rooms (tables, chairs, floor, walls, all furniture) 4. Jobs (desks, chairs, windows, partitions, floor, walls) 5. Access to dependencies, offices, stairs. 6. Other similar ones indicated by the client.
Technical reports will be generated for each Sanitation Services carried out at the client’s facilities, where they will be indicated; customer data, dates of services, product used, places where product was applied, observations, etc. This certificate is valid in case it is required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requesting parties.


The objective is to have an Environmental Health through a preventive and curative pest control against all types of insects, expelling crawling insects (spiders, fleas, bed bugs, ticks, lice, nits, cockroaches, earwigs, scorpions and others) and knocking down insects flyers (flies, wasps, moths, mosquitoes, horseflies) generating rapid and effective pest control; it also has a fast action and high power to dislodge and an excellent residual to eliminate insects that could arrive or that are hidden.
Technician will perform disinsection with motorcycle spraying equipment and / or manual spraying (pressure) to walls, floor and ceilings of the client’s facilities, either; offices, meeting rooms, common areas, dining rooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, corridors and others applying chemical products with Sanitary Resolution and registration in ISP, where we consider those that have low toxicity for people and are compatible with the Environment.
Technical reports will be generated by disinsection services where they will be indicated among others; customer data, dates of services, product used, places where it was applied, security measures, among others. This certificate is valid in case it is required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requesting parties.

Wood-eating insects disinsection

Xylophagous insects, feed exclusively on wood (xylos: wood; and phage: eat), cause serious damage to stored wood such as that used in buildings, homes, structures, furniture, etc., which reduces its useful life, with the consequent economic loss.

Bursan Ltda. Will carry out disinsection by xylophagous insects better known as termites to any facility or homes where it is found or detected, for this Bursan Ltda. Carries out a technical visit to the place where it visualizes if there is the presence:   

  • Presence of feces of Larva Xylophaga (Sawdust) in different points of the structure.
  • Presence of holes in wooden structures, entrance areas to colonies.
  • Presence of individuals in situ.

Once detected, fumigation is carried out to the environment and to all the surfaces of the property, considering; floor, walls, beams, interior ceiling of the house, furniture, it is also applied outdoors, both to the structure and the patio that surrounds it, all with a professional chemical product Insecticide – Termiticide with ISP registration and that is fast-acting and also It has a high residual power to eliminate insects that could arrive or that are very hidden.  


Technical reports will be generated for each Disinsection Services carried out at the client’s facilities, where they will be indicated; customer data, dates of services, product used, places where product was applied, observations, etc. This certificate is valid in case it is required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requesting parties.


The objective of the Rooting Service is to have an Environmental Sanitation in the Company, interior and exterior places of its facilities, generating a preventive and corrective control against all types of mice and rats, through a rapid and effective control of pests indoors and exteriors of the facilities, carried out by our certified technicians.
Bursan will carry out urban rodent control; Lauchas, Norwegian Rats (sewer) and Roof Rats, through the implementation of a system of feeder tubes or feeder boxes with keys, introducing 10-gram poison blocks that are registered in the ISP, considering latest generation rodenticide baits that allow prevent the proliferation and development of the rodent population by maintaining a global prevention and control approach, in terms of quantity and location of traps according to technical analysis (field visit), each trap being identified with signage and numbering and indicated on the distribution map. In the stage of maintenance and control of the traps, the status of each trap will be recorded in a report and bait changes will be made if necessary, as well as installing more or fewer traps in certain sectors within the facilities based on results that They are obtained from the check-up, thus establishing a cord or sanitary barrier to control Rodent Plagues. East Also according to the survey of technicians, adhesive sheets or sticky traps are available, which will be installed according to the needs derived from the periodic inspections and according to the requirements of each client.
Technical reports will be generated for each Rodent Control Services carried out at the client’s facilities, where they will be indicated; customer data, dates of services, product used, number of cheats, observations, etc. This certificate is valid if required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requestors.
Bird control
The objective is to have an Environmental Health through a Bird Control for pests of pigeons, sparrows, starlings and / or seagulls in the client’s facilities, which are a health hazard, since they are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms that cause salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis and pneumonia, among others. they are also carriers of ectoparasites (ticks, lice, fleas, etc.). In addition, because they damage construction materials (roofs, cornices, balconies, walls, floors, etc.) mainly by their excrement, which has uric acid, highly corrosive to the facilities, that is why it is necessary to apply a method of Control of Birds according to problem and birds detected during technical visit.

Technical visit to facilities is carried out and according to Bird Control to be eradicated, the following can be implemented:

  • System of spikes or prongs and / or networks on roofs, balconies, cornices of houses, facilities and / or buildings.
  • According to the problem detected and the need for Bird Control that is needed, a system through Biological Control, that is, the application of raptors authorized by the Health Authority.
  • Other technological systems to support Bird Control, which may be sound equipment that scare away birds.
  • Repellent systems that ward off or eradicate birds, which may be silhouettes of bird predators.
  • Gel installation where the birds perch, generating a sticky layer, which prevents the birds from returning to the place.    
A technical report will be generated by the Bird Control Service that is carried out at the client’s facilities, where they will be indicated; customer data, dates of services, product and / or elements used, observations, etc. This certificate is valid if required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requestors.
Pre-demolition rooting
Before a demolition, Bursan Empresas can carry out Pre-Demolition deratization of the property and certify this action through a technical report. This procedure consists of the endorsement of this document by the corresponding Regional Ministerial Secretary of Health (Seremi de Salud), within 72 hours of its completion. The visa certificate issued by the Health Authority is required by the municipalities to grant any demolition permit.
A technical visit is made to facilities to be demolished and a Rodent Control system is implemented, installing traps against rodents with latest generation rodenticide baits that prevent the proliferation and development of the rodent population. This work is carried out in 3 stages; 1st. the fattening traps are installed, 2nd. a technical visit and control of poisons consumption is carried out together with or with authorization from the Seremi de Salud, finally, it is done 3rd. visit on the 21st, where consumption is also analyzed and if it is very low or not at all, cheats are removed and the Seremi de Salud is notified to authorize Demolition.
A technical report will be generated by the Pre-Demolition Deratization Service that is carried out at the client’s facilities, where they will be indicated; customer data, dates of services, product used, number of traps installed, observations, etc. This certificate is valid if required or needs to be presented to Health Authorities or other requestors.

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